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Credit Cards

A FourLeaf Business credit card offers great low interest rates and rewards!

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FourLeaf Federal Credit Union brings the benefits of a credit union right to your business. Choose our Business Credit Card and see how these advantages can work for you.

  • No annual fee
  • Maximum line $50,000
  • Competitive rebate program available
  • Multiple cards per account to track employee expense
  • Travel Assistance Services
  • Satisfaction Guarantee Coverage
  • Purchase Insurance Coverage

FourLeaf offers 3 card types for you to choose from:

  • Low interest rate
  • Rewards – Cash back
  • Rewards – Points

Peace of Mind with these safety and security features:

Zero Liability Fraud Protection: Pay nothing if your card information is stolen while shopping in a store or online.

Mastercard Smart Shopper Benefits: As a preferred cardholder, you are entitled to extensive travel, insurance and retail protection services.

  • Purchase Insurance Coverage
  • Extended Warranty

To Report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card:

Call 866-820-3847 24 hours a day to report a lost or stolen credit card. Our representatives will cancel your card and issue a replacement immediately.

For reissuing a lost credit card there will be a $10 fee.

To apply for a Business Credit Card, stop into any FourLeaf branch or call 800-628-7070.

Review Terms and Conditions

View Cash Rewards Program Rules

Compare our business credit cards

FeatureLow Interest Rate Rewards - Cash Back Rewards - Points
Annual Fee$0$0$0
Fees for Balance Transfers$0$0$0
Features & Benefits
  • No Annual Fee.

  • Interest rates as low as --.--%* on all balances.

  • No Annual Fee.

  • Interest rates as low as --.--%* .

  • 3.0% rebate on all purchases for the first three months;

  • 1.5% rebate on all purchases after the first three months;

  • Rebates are distributed annually in October.
  • No Annual Fee.

  • Interest rates as low as --.--%%* .

  • Earn one point for every dollar spent on purchases.

  • Redeem points for travel, hotel stays, cruises, jewelry and more!
  • Foreign Transaction Fee$0$0$0
    Over the Limit Fee$0$0$0
    Late Fee$25$25$25
    Minimum Finance Charge$1.00$1.00$1.00
    NSF FeesLesser of minimum payment or $25Lesser of minimum payment or $25Lesser of minimum payment or $25
    Minimum PaymentThe greater of $15 or 1% of the balance plus billed interest.The greater of $15 or 1% of the balance plus billed interest.The greater of $15 or 1% of the balance plus billed interest.

    How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called “average daily balance (including new purchases).”

    * Variable Rate Information: Prime Rate: Variable APRs are based on the 7.50% Prime Rate as of –/–/—- The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE may increase during the term of this agreement if the rate disclosed as the U.S. Highest Prime Rate published in the Wall Street Journal in the cycle prior to the billing date. The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE will be calculated by adding a margin to the index. . Margin is determined by your creditworthiness. The maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE will not exceed 18%, or the rate permissible under the Federal Credit Union Act, whichever is less. Any increase in the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE will result in a higher monthly payment; a decrease will result in a lower monthly payment.

    Defined Terms: Capitalized terms used in this Disclosure but not defined herein have the meanings given to such terms in your Cardholder Agreement.

    Effective Date: This Disclosure is effective as of –/–/—-.