Thank you for your interest in our scholarship program, offered in partnership with the New York Credit Union Association.
The 2024-2025 FourLeaf Scholarship Program application period is now closed, but in the drop down menu below you will find important information regarding the selection criteria, requirements, and guidelines for the scholarship program that may serve as a guide if you are eligible to apply for the next program cycle.
The 2024-2025 FourLeaf Scholarship Program application deadline date was on Friday, January 17, 2024 (no late submissions are accepted).
The 2025-2026 FourLeaf Scholarship Program application opens in early October 2025 and the deadline will be in early January 2026. Please visit our website in October 2025 to view the program application and any updates!
Scholarship Requirements
2025 Scholarship Guide: How to Apply
Application Period Closed
How to Apply

Carefully review the eligibility requirements and online application process for the 2025 Scholarship Program: Applications are submitted directly online through the NYCUA website.
Important to Note:
1: The student applicant must be a member in good standing with FourLeaf Federal Credit Union who:
- Is a college-bound high school senior at the time of submitting the application; and,
- Is attending college for the first time in the Fall of 2025; and,
- Will be enrolled in either a two- or four- year accredited educational institution or trade school; and,
- Agrees to use any scholarship funds awarded by January 31, 2026 at an accredited educational institution only
2: The student applicant must obtain a verification code to ensure that they are a FourLeaf Federal Credit Union member in good standing. The student applicant must have their name listed on a FourLeaf account. This means that the student applicant must have an ownership role on the account, but not does need to be the tax reported owner on the account. This account may be a joint account or custodial account as long as the student’s name appears on the account. This verification code can be requested by e-mailing the student applicant's full name and telephone number used for membership to
3: The application must be submitted directly through the NYCUA website with the following documentation:
- a high school transcript documenting student’s GPA for grades 9–11; and,
- an essay response.
4: The student applicant and his/her parent or guardian must sign the Certification and Release Authorization on the last page of the application form, which can be found on the NYCUA website using the link above.
5: The completed application, transcript, and essay must be submitted online through the New York Credit Union Association website by the Friday, January 17, 2025 deadline. If any portion is incomplete or missing, the application will not be considered. Additionally, late applications will not be accepted.
6: The winning recipients of the 2025 Scholarship Program will be announced in late June 2025. All winning student applicant's will receive an e-mail from FourLeaf in June 2025. This e-mail will include the names of the ten scholarship recipients selected from FourLeaf for the 2025 Scholarship Program. The minimum scholarship prize per student is a total of $1,000. The ten scholarship recipients selected from FourLeaf will receive a check payable to the recipients' college or institution provided. This check will be mailed to the address provided by the recipient to FourLeaf and the recipient student will then submit this check to the appropriate department at their college to be applied to their Fall 2025 semester. Please note that student applicants may also receive an award distinction directly from the NYCUA. These award distinction funds are funded directly by NYCUA and the student recipient will deal directly with NYCUA when collecting the award distinction funds.
For any questions you may have, please contact Kimberley Ruiz at or call 516-497-0803.