Fraud & Security Center

Learn How to Protect Yourself Against Fraud

If you think you may have been a victim of fraud or to report unauthorized transactions on your account, please notify us immediately by calling 800-628-7070.

Scammers will use every format that is available to them to access secure information to scam people. Scammers often say there’s a PROBLEM or a PRIZE to lure people into their scheme. It’s important to know their tactics and tricks so you do not become a victim of fraud. Learn how to protect yourself by clicking the links to read about the different types of scams.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is:

FourLeaf Federal Credit Union will never contact members via phone, email, text message or cell phone to request personal information such as account numbers, passwords, debit or credit card numbers, expiration dates or personal identification numbers (PIN).

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If you think you may have been a victim of fraud or to report unauthorized transactions on your account, please notify us immediately by calling 800-628-7070.