Switching From a Bank to a Credit Union

Have you ever wondered whether your bank is really the best banking option for you? If so, then it’s probably not. Maybe you don’t like your interest rate. Maybe you’re not satisfied with the service. Maybe you’re sick of the fees. There are many reasons to think about breaking up with your bank. Whatever yours are, you’ll probably find better by banking with a credit union.

Unlike banks, credit unions operate as not-for-profits. Instead of working in the best interests of their stockholders, they work for their members first. In a credit union, there are no stockholders. So if you’re tired of feeling like your bank is getting more from you than you’re getting from it, simply follow our steps to make your transition to a credit union as smooth as possible:

1. Find the credit union that’s right for you
If you’re looking for ways to save money, credit unions are great for that. Look for a credit union that offers no monthly fees, fee-free ATMs and great rates. The National Credit Union Administration makes searching for credit unions easy with its research a credit union tool. It’s also a good idea to check out credit unions’ social media pages and get a feel for their customer service.

2. Set up your new account
Your new credit union should make this quick and simple. Opening an account with FourLeaf on our website takes about five minutes.

3. Move all automatic deposits to your new account
It’s important to transfer your automatic deposits before transferring your withdrawals. This way, you’ll avoid automatically withdrawing too much on the new account while you move everything over. If your employer uses direct deposit for your paycheck, be sure to have them deposit it into the new account.

4. Move automatic withdrawals to your new account
Once you’re sure your new account has enough money for your automatic withdrawals — including utilities, subscriptions and any other monthly or annual withdrawals — transfer them to the new account. You can look at your past statements to make sure you remembered them all.

5. Wait at least a month
Don’t move all of your funds and close the old account right away. Wait long enough to let old checks clear and to make sure all automatic transactions have been transferred. According to Investopedia, an extra month should give you enough time to make sure you didn’t forget anything and that your automatic transactions are going through without any surprises.

6. Transfer your remaining funds
When you’re sure that you have no outstanding checks and that there are no transactions still linked to the old account, you can move all of your remaining funds.

If your bank has a minimum balance requirement, leave the minimum balance in the old account. They will write you a check for that amount when you close it.

7. Close your old account
When you end services with your bank, it might try to get you to stay. Just remember all the great benefits you’ll get with your credit union. After your old account has been closed, ask for written confirmation.

Then, enjoy the savings with your new credit union!

Are you ready for better banking with a credit union?

FourLeaf provides all of the benefits of a bank with none of the hassle. Great rates, fee-free ATMs and free checking – with interest – are just a few perks you’ll get by switching to FourLeaf.

When you’re ready to make the change, check out our Free Checking account.

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